afraid of getting my innards scanned, nearly died of a radiation allergy


I'm about two steps away from being actually crazy, and it's not my fault. This is where I found the website for this template, because I am not talented enough in the slightest to make anything like this.

Call me Zombie. I'm using this basically as a tool to update things about my interests. Kind of like a blog or digital joural to catalouge it, and get it all in one place. I don't think it's important to have so many sub-pages and links and everything. This is seriously meant to just be a place that I can go apeshit about my brainworms in peace.

While I assume most of the stuff I post on here will be fandom related under the "FANDOMS" link on the right-hand side, there will be writing that I post that is my own. Not only fanfiction, though I will admit that is an extremely large portion of what I like to write. If you wanna know more about that type of stuff, what I like to write, and if you'd like to read it, it's all under the "WRITING" link!

ANYWAY!!!! I would love to talk to people about everything going on here, but only if they wanna talk. My discord is right there!!! So is my tumblr...though it scares me. I hope you have a wonderful stay and have fun on my website!